Frequently Asked Questions

  • Microblading is a form of semi-permanent makeup that uses a small blade composed of tiny needles to place pigment in the skin to create thin, hair like strokes throughout the entire brow. The existing brow hair is not affected.

    Microblading is intended to improve the appearance of your natural brows, not completely change them. It is important to have realistic expectations for the procedure and to understand that you may still occasionally want to fill in your brows and waxing or tweezing may still be necessary for maintenance.

  • Microblading consists of just the hair like strokes and is best suited for those with youthful, dry/normal skin types, and a good amount of natural brow hair.

    A Combo Brow is a combination of microblading and machine shading. Machine shading uses a tattoo machine and single needle to implant the pigment in the skin to look like a sheer wash of color. The shading is mostly used to give the illusion of fullness and to blend the microblading with the brow hair.

    Combo Brows are a great option for those with more mature skin (shading generally lasts longer and holds up better in mature & oily skin), oily skin types, those who prefer a more full, filled in look, those with a naturally thin and sparse shape that want more fullness, and those who have old, faded permanent makeup that needs to be covered.

    If you are not sure which service would be best for you, you can email a picture of your brows to and I will help you decide!

  • Semi-permanent makeup gradually fades over time and will eventually be barely visible if never touched up. However there are many factors that affect how quickly they will fade. This includes how closely pre care and after care instructions are followed, skin type (dry/oily), lifestyle, age, metabolism, medication and more. Sun exposure and tanning beds fade pigment quickly and can affect the color of the pigment. This is why it is important to avoid sun exposure and wear a medical grade sunscreen over healed microblading. Closely following aftercare instructions will give you the best healed results and help you retain your brows longer. Please know that touchups are normal and expected to keep your brows looking fresh.

    *Please note that final results vary and CANNOT be guaranteed due to the nature of skin as it heals and many variables. A follow-up appointment is required 6-12 weeks after your initial session where we can assess your pigment retention and perfect your brows.

  • Those with young, dry/normal skin and a good amount of brow hair are the best candidates for microblading. Generally very oily or mature skin doesn’t heal as well as those with dry skin, but with an experienced artist can still have great results.

    Unfortunately, not everyone is a candidate for permanent makeup. I want each of my clients to have the absolute best results possible, but not every client is best suited for microblading.

    If you have one of the following conditions, you will likely be disqualified from receiving permanent makeup. If you have any questions regarding your specific medication or condition, please email

    What is a contraindication? A contraindication is a condition or circumstance that suggests or indicates that a particular technique or product should not be used on a person.

    Microblading Contraindications include:

    High blood pressure, heart conditions, or on heart medications

    Taking blood-thinners such as aspirin, fish oil or similar medications

    Taking antibiotics, or received any vaccinations within 2 weeks

    Uncontrolled diabetes (clients with controlled diabetes should consult their doctor and bring a doctors note)

    Pregnant or breastfeeding

    Herpes simplex

    Certain skin conditions e.g. acne near brow area, rashes, blisters, psoriasis, eczema, or rosacea

    Using steroids topically or internally such as cortisone, Accutane, Retinol Retin-A or Renova

    Allergic to Lidocaine

    Susceptibility to post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation

    Hypertrophic scarring or keloid scarring

    Spider veins or a birthmark in the area they want to be treated

    Blood disorder e.g. sickle cell anemia, haemophilia, or a platelet disorder

    Anyone who has any serious medical conditions may require a physician's note.

    Thick porous, oily skin or thin, fragile aging skin

    Sunburns in the last 2 weeks

    Chemical peels in the last 2 weeks

    Botox or injectables in the last 2 weeks

    Those with nickel or hair dye allergies should have a patch test done behind the ear prior to procedure

  • Oily Skin: Increased oil production can cause hair strokes to blur and fade very quickly, or not stick at all. If you have combination or oily skin, you are a candidate for a combination or ombre brows, but not for microblading.

    Sun Exposure: Increased exposure to the sun will cause premature fading. I recommend all my clients purchase Cannasmack Ink Guard on Amazon to protect their healed brows from the sun.

    Excessive Bleeding: Excessive bleeding during your procedure will greatly affect how your body retains pigment. Pinpoint bleeding throughout the procedure is normal, but excessive bleeding can cause the pigment to fade very quickly and heal ashy. While bleeding is not entirely in our control, it is important that you follow pre care instructions to help minimize bleeding. This includes avoiding blood thinning medication, caffeine, and alcohol 24 hours before your procedure.

    Some Medications: Certain medications such as antibiotics can effect how your Microblading heals.

  • My clients report little to no pain, only some mild discomfort. I use the smallest diameter blade on the market so it causes the least trauma to the skin. I also use two different numbing products to keep you comfortable throughout the procedure.

    It is important to note that not everyone feels the effects of numbing the same way. Some factors may cause a little more sensitivity such as being on your period, red hair, and others.

  • I am very selective on which clients I am able to take for coverup work. The old permanent makeup needs to be at least 80% faded for me to successfully work over it.

    Why though? If the old work is too saturated, the new work will either not be visible once healed, or it can create quite the mess. As an artist, I will only work on your face if I am certain that I can give you gorgeous, natural results.

    “Well, what do I do then” you ask? There are a couple options! The first option is to simply wait for them to fade until they are light enough. Sometimes you may only need to wait a few months, and sometimes it may take years to fade enough. You can help them along by using a chemical exfoliant on them, such as glycolic acid or retinol. Consult your aesthetician for the best products for your skin type.

    If you don’t want to wait for them to fade, or if your pigment was implanted too deep in the skin and won’t lighten, removal may be a great option for you. There are 2 different methods of removal to consider.

    First is saline removal. Saline removal is done by a trained specialist by needling a saline solution into the skin which will then pull the pigment to the surface of the skin, scab, then flake away. This method may take several sessions to lighten your brows enough. Be sure to research your removal technician and ask for before and after photos of their clients before booking.

    The second removal option is done by laser. Laser tattoo removal is usually faster and takes less sessions but can be a bit costly. Again, be sure to research your options to find a technician who specializes in microblading removal as it differs from traditional tattoo removal.

    As much of a pain it is to wait, it is well worth it! You will be much happier with your results. I know it’s tempting, but please do not go to just any artist who is willing to accept you as a client and work over your old work!

  • FOUR WEEKS before your appointment please stop use of all retinols and retin-a and do not receive any chemical peels. Why? Retinol, retin-a and chemical peels cause the skin to thin and turn over quicker which makes it extremely delicate and sensitive. Microblading over the skin in this state can cause excess trauma and will effect your results.

    TWO WEEKS before your appointment please do not receive any Botox or Dysport injections. Botox can take up to 14 days to kick in and we want to be able to work with the final result of your injections. I will also be in contact with your forehead and brow area and this can effect the results of your Botox, and trust me, no one wants that! Please wait to schedule injections either 2 weeks before or 2 weeks after your brow appointment.

    Avoid excessive sun exposure, we will not be able to work over skin with any degree of sunburn and we will have to reschedule.

    Stop waxing, tweezing or tinting your brows a couple of weeks before your appointment. This will give me an accurate idea of your natural shape and growth and will allow me to give you a natural result.

    TWO DAYS before your appointment please stop use of any blood thinners such as aspirin, niacin, vitamin e, fish oil, coq10 and ibuprofen. Many supplements and medications thin the blood, so I urge you to research what you are currently taking and make sure they are not blood thinners. Why? Blood thinners cause you to bleed more. Microblading is creating tiny strokes that are considered an open wound, and if blood thinners are being used you will bleed more. Bleeding during the procedure not only makes it difficult for the artist, but can also effect your retention of the pigment and can cause the pigment to heal an ashy tone. Please consult your doctor before stopping any medications.

    TWENTY FOUR HOURS before your appointment please do not consume any caffeine, alcohol, or smoke cigarettes. These substances cause excessive bleeding by either thinning the blood or elevating your blood pressure. Again, this makes it difficult for the artist and will effect your retention. If I am not able to work with the level of bleeding, we will need to reschedule your appointment.

    Don't exercise the day of your appointment. This will also raise your blood pressure and heavily effect the level of bleeding.

    THE DAY OF YOUR APPOINTMENT it is a good idea to come with freshly washed hair. After your procedure you will need to keep your brows dry as long as possible and that can make it difficult to wash your hair. We will also be taking lots of photos so come how you feel the most confident and comfortable.

  • First, we will chat about your hopes and expectations for your brows regarding shape, color, stroke pattern etc. You are welcome to bring inspiration photos to help me get a better idea of what you would like.

    Next, we will take your before pictures and videos. Again, please come how you feel most confident and comfortable as your photos may be posted on social media and my website.

    Then, I will map out your shape with a black china pencil. This portion of the appointment can take the longest because, let's face it, I'm a perfectionist and I can't proceed until they are exactly what you and I want. I will have you check to make sure you love them and I will tweak them until they're just right. I will tweeze stray hairs that do not fit within the shape to give you a clean look.

    After mapping, I will apply the first numbing cream. This will be covered by a layer of plastic wrap to increase its efficacy. The numbing will sit for about 15-20 minutes. During that time I will teach you how to care for your brows and give you your aftercare products. After that, you are welcome to sit up or lay down however you are comfortable.

    Once you are done numbing, it's time to microblade! I will complete the first pass on both brows. The first numbing cream does a great job keeping you comfortable. However, you will likely still feel a sensation. Most of my clients say they can feel something, but it isn't painful.

    Then, I put on the secondary numbing product to make you even more comfortable. From there I will complete 1-2 more passes, then your new brows will be done! From start to finish, your appointment will be between 2.5-3 hours.

    Feel free to bring headphones to listen to music or an audiobook to pass the time.

    Please note, if you are getting combo or powder brows, the process may vary.

  • Immediately after getting your brows done, you may experience minor redness or swelling around the treated area, which typically goes away within 24 hours. Over the next few hours, the pigment in the skin will oxidize, making the brows look darker and warmer (red) than they were initially. This is normal and expected. Pigment typically fades anywhere from 20-40% once fully healed.

    Around day 3-4, you may notice light flaking on the treated area. This is normal! Please refrain from picking at the brows. Doing so will result in loss of pigment in those areas and can cause scarring. Brows may appear spotty or patchy until the entire brow has finished healing. Once all the flaking is complete (usually around day 10), the brows will appear much lighter. The pigment will slightly darken over the next 4-6 weeks to your final, healed results.

    At 4-6 weeks, your brows will be fully healed. Whatever pigment that does not return will be addressed at your touch up appointment. At this appointment, we will asses your retention, touch up the spots that didn’t stick, and can adjust the pigment color to give you perfect brows! Once the brows have healed from your touch up appointment, you will have beautiful, full brows for 12-36 months!

  • Initial microblading appointments take approximately 2.5 - 3 hours and initial combo brow appointments take approximately 3-4 hours. Touchup appointments take 1-2.5 hours depending on the amount of work needed to be done.

  • Click the BOOK button at the top of the screen and you will be taken to my booking site. From there you will be able to select the service you want and pick your appointment day and time from what is available.

    After you book, you will receive an invoice for your deposit that must be paid within 24 hours. The invoice will also contain important information that you will read through.

    Once I receive your deposit and photo, I will accept your appointment and you are good to go!

  • Your $50 deposit is non-refundable. If your appointment is cancelled 3 or more days before, there will be no fee. If your appointment is cancelled between 48-72 hours before, 25% of the appointment cost will be charged to the card on file. If your appointment is canceled 24-48 hours before, 50% of appointment cost will be charged. If you cancel the same day or no showed, full appointment cost will be charged. The charged amount is not transferrable to any future appointments.

  • Your deposit will be paid through an invoice that will be texted to you. It will accept payment through either credit or debit card, or bank account.

    The remaining balance will be due the day of your appointment and can be paid with credit or debit card, or cash.